Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

"True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of one's companion."
~Gordon B. Hinckley

I love coming across good quotes!
One day, I hope to compile a quote book of quotes I have found, but that is on my long list of projects to do. 

Anyway, I came across this quote last night, and just fell in love with it!
First of all, I love President Hinckley!
He is such a wise man, and taught so many truths in his own special way!
Secondly, I think this teaches a simple truth that is so often overlooked!
In my school studies, it is interesting to look at families and their relationships.
In many of the videos and readings I have done, it is interesting to note all the couples that do not truly love each other and the problems it creates down the road. 
I guess that's easier to see from a third party perspective, but just watching how couples interact in different situations, you can tell when it is true love verses getting caught up in the romance. 
It was interesting for me to make that connection between something a prophet has said to something I study in school.
I love when I can find those connections! It helps remind me why I am studying what I am!
Third, after having special lessons about the priesthood in institute this last week, I have been thinking a lot about the kind of guy I want to marry someday. My institute teacher pointed out things about the priesthood that I never thought of, asked the guys how they were doing on those things, and told the girls they need to be watching for those things in the guys they date or are married to. It was a really neat lesson. 
During it, he asked the question, "Guys, are you the same behind closed doors as you are when you are out in public? Do you just perform your priesthood duties at church, and then that's it?" That thought just kind of hit me, as I came across this quote....I will let you come up with your own connection between the two.
Once again, I love when I can find connections between things I learned during the week!
And lastly, it is Valentine's Day! It's a day specifically dedicated to love (even though every day should be!), so I felt sharing this quote about love during this time of the year was most appropriate!

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