Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 2!

The meaning behind my blog name!

There is no special significance behind my blog name to be honest. 
As I was creating my blog, I asked my friend for advice in coming up with a name. 
She told me to write down everything that comes to my mind and then choose the best one. 
So that's what I did. And "Simply Stephanie" is what I came up with. 
However, since then, I have transformed my blog name into having more meaning to me. 
I live a simple life. I never do anything too crazy or out of the norm. 
I truly am just "Simply Stephanie."
But I also find joy in the simple things of life. 
So I added the subscript, "Finding joy in the journey through life's simple treasures." 
I also added the picture of the temple to go with this theme. 
My journey in life right now is focused on making it to the temple someday, and then eventually to Eternal Life. 
On that journey, I have been faced with many experiences that have taught me a lot and brought great joy!
They aren't anything too crazy or out of the norm, but they have taught me great lessons!
Those moments are the simple things! 
I love blogging about them, and also including the crazy fun things in my life.
Combine these together and you get me......

Simply Stephanie! 

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