Tuesday, October 28, 2014


The story: 
I was in the office making copies and trying to get things prepared for my substitute and my weekend trip to Utah.
While I was making copies the principal's secretary came in and said, "There's a parent by your classroom waiting to talk to you. They seem pretty angry."
So I stopped my copies and headed to my classroom and saw NO ONE! 
I was confused as to where the parent may be and had the thought that the secretary may have let them in my classroom. 
SO I peeked into my classroom, and realized the secretary wouldn't let them in my classroom without me being there, so I turned to leave. 
As I was turning to walk away, the door flew opened and a voice said, 
"Aren't you going to come in?!"

It was David!!
I was beyond excited {and surprised} to see him! 
I was flying out for his birthday the next morning, so I was surprised that he came down! 

After controlling my excitement, I was finally able to ask what he was doing there. 
Then he got down on one knee, said some sweet things, and said 
"I am here to ask you a question. Will you be my wife?"
I said yes, and he said some more sweet things.
Then he read "Oh the places You'll Go" (which is my favorite book and we read it on our second date) to me and had added an extra page with a picture of us, filled with a sweet note. 

It was the best surprise ever!!! 

I love this sweet man and feel so blessed that I get to spend eternity with him! 


  1. So happy for you!!!! Can't wait to see all the preparations for the wedding! Will you be moving up to Utah then? Let's hope so because I need a friend up there! Justin and I plan to move up there next summer/fall.

  2. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for each of His children. Its so much fun to watch His hand in all things. I love you and your family. Best wishes for you and your intended. We would like an invite too. (private message please)

    Say Hi to your mom, please.

    Uncle Carl & Aunt Jodi

  3. Eeeeee! It's so sweet. So so so sweet!
