Thursday, July 14, 2011

What's So Funny?

Today I had the fun experience of getting my wisdom teeth out...all four of them!
It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 
A week ago when I scheduled the date to get my teeth pulled, I was completely nervous. 
Hearing everyone's stories about being in pain, not being able to eat, dry sockets, etc. did not help either. 
However, as the big day got closer, the fear went away!
Thank goodness because, really, it wasn't bad at actually was quite hysterical!

I opted to use laughing gas instead of a full sedation.
Best. Decision. Ever!
I had never used it before or seen anyone use it, but it sure works wonders. 
All I remember is the oral surgeon telling me to breathe it in and then I would feel funny. 
I went from wondering if it was going to work to laughing uncontrollably!
Not even kidding, I had tears rolling down my face from laughing. 
That was followed by the dentist saying, "Wow! You are having too much fun, we might need to turn this down a little bit."
And next thing I knew (15 minutes later) all my wisdom teeth were out, and I was breathing in oxygen to get the laughing gas out of the system.

But the fun didn't end there. 
As we were walking out to the car, I just burst into laughter, tear-rolling laughter, once again and couldn't stop. 
The car ride home was followed by many more laughing fits, which gave my mom some good entertainment!
It was quite hysterical!

As far as the actual surgery...everything went quite well!
I've been blessed with very little pain and no swelling!
I will be the first to tell you....wisdom teeth extraction is really not that bad!

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